
This document is a recommendation on the usage of badges in FIWARE Projects. Badges are small graphical labels which provide a visual aid to understand different aspects about a project. Badges can be easily generated by using Where already offers a badge it should be used in preference to other badges.

GitHub repositories MUST include the following badges at the very beginning of the document:

  • . - FIWARE Chapter (Link to ). Example: - the full link includes the logo.
  • . - License - (Link to the OSS License under the component is offered). Example: Example:
  • . - OpenSSF Best Practices Badge.
  • . - Docker (pointer to the Docker container at the Docker Hub Repository). Example:
  • Optional Support badges (e.g. Stack Overflow) - see below.
  • A new line character <br/>.
  • . - Documentation (pointer to the documentation on Read the Docs corresponding to the branch). Example:
  • . - GE Status - to show active support for a repository. Example:

GitHub repositories SHOULD list either of the following support badges at the beginning of the document (where relevant):

  • . - Stack Overflow tag (pointer to the Stack Overflow support channel) Example:
  • . - Support (pointer to the support channel, askbot, which can be used to get support if Stack Overflow is not used) or alternatively include links to other relevant support channels.

The idea being that the first row of badges is informational, the second row displays the state of the project. The second row of badges should ideally all be GREEN at all times.

# Identity Manager - Keyrock

[![FIWARE Security](](
[![License: MIT](](
![ ](
[![Docker badge](](
[![Support badge](](
<br> [![Documentation](](
[![Build Status](](
[![Coverage Status](](

QA Requirements

A section within the displaying the GE ratings defined as follows:

## Orion

This project is part of [FIWARE]( and has been rated as follows:

-   **Version Tested:**
    ![ ]($.version&colorB=blue)
-   **Documentation:**
    ![ ]($.docCompleteness&colorB=blue)
    ![ ]($.docSoundness&colorB=blue)
-   **Responsiveness:**
    ![ ]($.timeToCharge&colorB=blue)
    ![ ]($.timeToFix&colorB=blue)
-   **FIWARE Testing:**
    ![ ]($.failureRate&colorB=blue)
    ![ ]($.scalability&colorB=blue)
    ![ ]($.performance&colorB=blue)
    ![ ]($.stability&colorB=blue)

(replace orion as necessary)

Tutorial/Training Requirements

FIWARE Generic Enabler's repository file MUST include a list of relevant training courses:

  • A section within the displaying links to the relevant Tutorial.
  • A section within the displaying links to the relevant Academy Courses.

As an example, Keyrock would display links to learning materials as shown:

## Training Courses

### Tutorials

The following Tutorials on **Keyrock** are available:

&nbsp; 401.
[Administrating Users and Organizations](<br/>
&nbsp; 402. [Managing Roles and Permissions](<br/>
&nbsp; 403. [Securing Application Access](<br/>

### Video Presentations

The following Video Presentation on **Keyrock** are available:

-   [Part 1 - Keyrock Introduction](
-   [Part 2 - Keyrock Overview](
-   [Part 3 - Applications in Keyrock](

### Other Presentations

-   [API Management (Porto 2018)](
-   [Identity Management, Access Control and API Management (Malaga 2017)](


# {{(Incubated) GE Name}} Roadmap

{{Use this for full member GEs}} This product is a FIWARE Generic Enabler. If you would like to learn about the overall
Roadmap of FIWARE, please check section "Roadmap" on the FIWARE Catalogue.

{{Use this for Incubated GEs}} This product is an Incubated FIWARE Generic Enabler. If you would like to learn about the
overall Roadmap of FIWARE, please check section "Roadmap" on the FIWARE Catalogue.

## Introduction

This section elaborates on proposed new features or tasks which are expected to be added to the product in the
foreseeable future. There should be no assumption of a commitment to deliver these features on specific dates or in the
order given. The development team will be doing their best to follow the proposed dates and priorities, but please bear
in mind that plans to work on a given feature or task may be revised. All information is provided as a general
guidelines only, and this section may be revised to provide newer information at any time.

## Short term

The following list of features are planned to be addressed in the short term, and incorporated in the next release of
the product planned for **{{date}}**:

{{bullet list of features/tasks}} - this should be a simple list of features you plan to address in the given period.
Try to be comprehensive as well as short in the description of each feature (**2 lines max**).

-   {{Feature 1}}.

-   {{Feature n}}.

{{If the description of a given feature will need more elaboration, please add
the following text after end of the description}}:

"(see more detailed description below)" and then create a subsection below or, alternatively, refer to issues associated
to implementation of the feature: "(see issueX, issueY, ...)" providing the link for each issue.

### {{Feature n}}

Subsections providing more details of selected features if needed - this section would be needed if you plan to add
further details as explained above (and not do it through references to issues).

## Medium term

The following list of features are planned to be addressed in the medium term, typically within the subsequent
release(s) generated in the next **9 months** after next planned release:

{{Complete this section following the same structure as described for short term roadmap}}

## Long term

The following list of features are proposals regarding the longer-term evolution of the product even though development
of these features has not yet been scheduled for a release in the near future. Please feel free to contact us if you
wish to get involved in the implementation or influence the roadmap.

{{Complete this section following the same structure as described for short term roadmap}}