A "FIWARE release" contains versioned releases of all FIWARE Generic Enablers found within the FIWARE Catalogue. All components must work seamlessly with the FIWARE Context Broker and each other.
The following timetable is proposed for a typical FIWARE release cycle. It is assumed that two releases a year will occur to be aligned with the biannual FIWARE Summits. Furthermore, some interim releases may also be required to align with roadmap milestones. Even at the most frequent, releases are not expected to occur more often than once a month.
Release Prerequisites
Additional FIWARE Generic Enabler development for each release cycle should close by the beginning of the month - ideally this should mean that all code the development team wishes to include in the FIWARE release has been:
- Written.
- Tested (both functional and integration tests).
- Documented.
- Labelled as a SemVer release on GitHub.
Any proposed new entries to the catalogue MUST have been presented to the TSC.
Any component transitioning to a full member of the catalogue MUST have completed all "Must" requirements and have been presented as such to the TSC.
Release timetable
Week 1
Day 1 - The formal commencement of the release process will be announced during the first TSC meeting of the month.
- A list of release candidates will be collated for the TSC and created in a prerelease candidate list on GitHub.
- For each FIWARE Generic Enabler:
- The latest tagged GitHub release is assumed to part of the current release cycle unless explicitly informed otherwise in writing.
- Where no release is found, the latest tag will be proposed.
- Where no tags are found, the latest hash will be proposed.
- On this basis all FIWARE Generic Enabler Owners should immediately either:
- Double tag their existing approved release version in their GitHub repository with
. - Send an eMail to FIWARE Foundation staff requesting a time extension and propose a new version number for inclusion in the release.
- Double tag their existing approved release version in their GitHub repository with
Week 2
Day 8 - Any changes to the list created above must be received no later than the second TSC meeting of the month.
- Proposed new catalogue additions.
- Proposed transitions to full member status etc.
- Alterations to the version numbers listed.
Where any further adjustments have been requested, they must be completed within three days of the second TSC meeting of the month - i.e. Day 11. - for example:
- For new entrants, the Minimal Checklist for new FIWARE Generic Enablers to be completed.
- For all FIWARE Generic Enablers, any missing GitHub release tags a new version number added.
- Any other alterations to the codebase completed.
Week 3
Day 15 - The release will be closed with final fixed versions on the third TSC meeting of the month.
- The finalized list of release enablers for release
will added as a tagged release on GitHub. - The prerelease candidates list on GitHub will be deleted.
- FIWARE Generic Enabler owners who had requested more time should double tag the release version in their GitHub
repository with