FIWARE Project Badges
ⓕ GitHub repositories
MUST include the following badges at
the very beginning of the document:
- FIWARE Chapter, FLOSS License, OpenSSF Best Practices Badge, Documentation, FIWARE Generic Enabler Status.
- Location of the FIWARE clone on or Docker Pulls (where applicable).
ⓕ GitHub repositories
SHOULD list either of the following
support badges at the beginning of the document (where relevant):
- Stack Overflow tag, Support badge.
See the template for more details.
ⓕ Read the Docs Homepage (docs/
) where documentation uses the
standard FIWARE CSS MUST contain a linked FIWARE Chapter badge (with a link to
ⓕ Read the Docs Homepage (docs/
) where documentation uses the
standard FIWARE CSS SHOULD contain a Support badge (with a link to the support channel).
FIWARE Chapter Colors and Badges
ⓕ Each Document that needs to be published in the FIWARE CSS style MUST use the following CSS styles:
- Black - Non Chapter specific documentation.fiware_readthedocs_core.css
- Midnight Blue - Core Context.fiware_readthedocs_publication.css
- Elm (Dark Cyan) - Publication / Monetizisation.fiware_readthedocs_iot.css
- Cyan - IoT Agents / Robots / Third Party Systems.fiware_readthedocs_security.css
- Red - Security / API Management.fiware_readthedocs_processing.css
- Steel - Processing / Visualization / Analysis Chapter.fiware_readthedocs_media_streams.css
- Purple - Media Streams.
The following standard FIWARE Colors and badges and Read the Docs CSS SHOULD be used the various types of documentation produced
- Black - Non Chapter specific documentation.#233c68
- Midnight Blue - Core Context Chapter
- Elm (Dark Cyan) - Publication / Monetizisation
- Cyan - IoT Agents/ Robots / Third Party Systems
- Red - Security / API Management
- Steel - Processing/Visualization/Analysis Chapter
- Purple - Media Streams
The following colors are reserved for future use:
- Green.#785356
- Chocolate.#ff68a5
- Pink.