Development Lifecycle Requirements

The following requirements govern the development lifecycle:

  • Direct commits or self-commits to the master branch are not allowed. All contributions to master MUST come in the form of a Pull Request.
  • Pull Requests MUST include not only code changes but also test changes and documentation changes.
  • Pull Requests MUST be public and open during a reasonable period of time so that the community can check them and contribute if necessary.
  • Pull Requests need to be approved (using the standard GitHub function or a 'LGTM' comment) by all the reviewers involved, i.e. all people that gave their feedback on it. Nonetheless, if a PR has been approved by at least one reviewer, and after a reasonable time for feedback no further comments have been received, the approved Pull Request should be landed as-is.
  • Pull Request approval MUST be issued by a third party. Nobody can auto-merge their contributions.
  • Before merging an open Pull Request CI status MUST be green.

Development Lifecycle

Apart from the minimal, mandatory lifecycle described above the following guidelines also apply.

The development lifecycle of a FIWARE Generic Enabler SHOULD be as follows:

  1. When developing a new feature / bug try to divide the work into smaller parts. For instance, dividing by frontend and backend implementation. There can be other criteria that might depend on each feature / bug. The aim of this division is to simplify the review process. Big commits are usually hard to review, hard to change later and prone to conflicts.

  2. Once you have divided the work in parts, the implementation of each part SHOULD be done in a different branch that you will use later to Pull Request to the FIWARE Generic Enabler Repository. One recommended practice is that you fork the original repository to your GitHub account and develop the feature in your own branch (which will belong to your own repository). Later, you will make a Pull Request from that branch to the FIWARE Generic Enabler repository. See branching model.

  3. The Pull Request SHOULD include not only the feature's source code but unit or integration tests together with relevant documentation.

  4. At the time of landing (merging), a Pull Request SHOULD include only one commit. While developing you MAY have more than one commit but ultimately only one commit SHOULD remain. For doing so, use the git squash functionality.

Nonetheless, there can be situations for which a Pull Request might be better explained with more than one commit. In that particular case you SHOULD also try to squash your commits into functionally coherent blocks. Nonetheless, every commit message MUST be descriptive of what feature or bug the code is implementing, for instance:

ISSUE 345. POST Operation /entities. Part I Parsing Requests.
ISSUE 345. POST Operation /entities. Part II DB Persistence.
ISSUE 345. POST Operation /entities. Part III Rendering Responses.
  1. Once a Pull Request is done, a code review will be performed. Find a competent reviewer that can perform a code review. There can be more than one reviewer but one of them SHOULD be a main developer or technical owner/architect of the project. Typically the reviewer will test the feature, review the code (style, robustness, structure, performance) and suggest some changes. The code review MUST be made using the code review facilities provided by GitHub.

  2. Try to address all the comments suggested by reviewers. If a comment is not going to be addressed a rationale SHOULD be provided.

  3. Wait for a final positive review. This MAY imply one or more iterations over steps 5 and 6.

  4. Land (merge) the new code. But before landing ensure that all tests are passing. Under certain conditions your Pull Request could not be directly landed (merged). In that case you would need to rebase your branch with the master branch, resolve all conflicts, push them and finally merge the new code in the master branch. Nobody can auto-merge their contributions.

  5. If later you discover that new code is breaking something do not hesitate to back out the culprit code. That's the advantage of landing only one commit. Backing out code is as easy as git revert <commit_hash>.