Repository Recommendations

  • The name of the GitHub Repository MAY be 'fiware' + '-' + "Code Name of your FIWARE Generic Enabler ". Example: fiware-orion.

  • When the FIWARE Generic Enabler code is spread over various repositories, the FIWARE hyperlinks can be included on the pertaining to the main repository or at the GH user/organization level.

  • Every repository in GitHub SHOULD have at least one branch corresponding to the main development line, usually named master, and a certain number of additional branches/tags corresponding to releases.

  • Every repository in GitHub SHOULD comply with the GitHub recommended community standards checklist - e.g.

  • Every repository in GitHub SHOULD have a one line repository description - the description SHOULD NOT be left blank.

  • Where Read the Docs documentation exists for a repository in GitHub, the GitHub repository URL SHOULD link back to the latest Read the Docs documentation - the URL SHOULD NOT be left blank.

  • Every repository in GitHub SHOULD include a list of related topics including the following:

    • fiware.
    • The name of the most frequently used related tag on Stack Overflow e.g. fiware-orion, kurento.
  • Other relevant descriptive tags e.g. contextual-data, iot-agent, security, etc. MAY be added.

  • When a GitHub repository is a sample code one related to this FIWARE Generic Enabler, it SHOULD also add the relevant Stack Overflow tag for it e.g. a python script generating context data for Orion should also include the fiware-orion tag.

Continuous Integration

FIWARE Generic Enabler projects developed as open source SHOULD have a public continuous integration system.

The continuous integration system SHOULD be running every time a new Pull Request (PR) is done. As a result, the PR owner can know in advance if this code is breaking something.

Before landing new code, the continuous integration system MAY be run in a temporary branch that merge the Pull Request and the destination branch. Nonetheless, in the event of continuous integration errors the (offending) code MUST be backed out or a fix SHOULD be provided urgently. Use git revert for the former.

GitHub Actions MAY be your continuous integration system as it is super-easy to integrate it with GitHub. Jenkins is another popular tool which has the advantage of being able to run on different Operating Systems.

Unit tests coverage MAY be provided using open source tools like coveralls. See an example in Wirecloud

You MUST include GitHub Action CI badges (or other CI badges) in your file. CI badges can be used to report the current status of your build, (it SHOULD be green!).

As new functionality is added to the software, tests of that functionality MUST be added.


A Tracking system MUST be used in order to manage the development work. Such tracking system MUST include at least all the bugs/known issues of your component.

The Tracking system SHOULD be public. You MAY use the JIRA as a public tracking tool. GitHub Issues MAY be other relevant solution to keep this tracking system.

When a commit is actually solving a bug/issue there MUST be a cross-reference between the commit message and the corresponding bug/issue in the Tracking System.

When users report a new bug, it SHOULD be given an estimation of when the bug will be solved. If the bug is consider minor or a very edge case and it will not be resolved, it SHOULD be marked as 'WontFix' and closed. This decision MUST be communicated to the reporter together with a suggested workaround.

The roadmap of your component SHOULD be public. Please check the General Roadmap Requirements

Be prepared for external contributions. When someone makes a Pull Request be responsive and consider carefully the proposal made. If you want to create community around your component you SHOULD be open minded. On the other hand, code authored by external contributors SHOULD not break the basic design principles of your component. Be prepared for trade-offs.

When someone makes a Pull Request, they MUST sign-up to the harmonized Individual Contributor License Agreement

Code Quality

Project repositories SHOULD automate coding formatting and run code linters/style checkers as part of the CI testing process where possible - e.g. Checkstyle, Lint4j, ESLint, etc. A list of suitable tools can be found at:

To attract active support community, code SHOULD regularly be upgraded to the latest LTS libraries and versions of dependencies - e.g. Java 8,9,10 rather than Java 1.4; ECMAScript 6 rather than ECMAScript 5 etc. Ideally such changes can also be applied automatically, but MUST be tested.

Versions of dependent libraries with known vulnerabilities SHOULD be upgraded as soon as possible.

You SHOULD include Snyk badges (or other badges) in your file. Snyk can be used to report the vulnerabilities of your build, (it SHOULD be green!).


Apart from meeting the General Documentation Requirements the following guidelines apply.

To avoid documentation inconsistencies, development related documents MUST be handled in the same way than Source Code, this implies:

  • Developer oriented documentation in English MUST be included as part of the GitHub content.

  • Markdown (.md) is the recommended format for document files. Restructured Text (reST) might be used as well.

  • Additional developer oriented documentation (advanced topics) MUST be present in a '/doc' folder at the root of your repository (or in an specific documentation repository associated to the FIWARE Generic Enabler). It is noteworthy that you MUST use an approved markup notation format if you want to benefit from automatic documentation generation systems (Read the Docs).

  • Code and documentation MUST be synced. To this aim, every Pull Request with any impact in existing documentation SHOULD include any related documentation changes.

  • Inconsistencies or lacks of documentation SHOULD be detected in Code Reviews and QA phases, opening bugs when necessary.

Developer Oriented Documentation (Read the Docs)

The name of the project on Read the Docs SHOULD match the Stack Overflow tag and container image name, e.g. fiware-orion => =>

Admin access to each Read the Docs documentation project MUST be granted to multiple accounts. This SHOULD include the current owner of the enabler, and MAY also be granted the fiware user account - this avoids lock-out in case an individual administrator is unavailable.

The Documentation title on Read the Docs (i.e. the site_name within the mkdocs.yml) MUST reflect the name of the enabler. The title MAY match the Stack Overflow tag or alternatively the site_name MAY consist of the enabler name without the fiware prefix.

The basic format of the Developer Documentation SHOULD consist of the following sections in the following order:

  • Getting Started SHOULD - simple responses from the FIWARE Generic Enabler - e.g. /version endpoint.

  • User/Programmer's Guide MUST - how to use the FIWARE Generic Enabler.

  • Installation/Admin Guide MUST - how to install the FIWARE Generic Enabler, both directly from source and via Docker.

  • Deprecated Functionality MAY - any functionality that is no longer supported or deprecated.

Running tests, contributing code & etc. SHOULD be linked directly from the, but SHOULD NOT be part of the Read the Docs Documentation - the justification is that many users of the software are not interested in contributing, but need to find user instructions alone without bloat in the text.

Table-of-Contents listings MAY be added at the head of each file, but MUST come directly after the main <h1> header, and MUST NOT be preceded by <h2> Table of Contents Header of their own. This means the Table of Contents can be used for navigation if reading the unstyled Markdown files on GitHub, but can be hidden using CSS within the Read the Docs documentation itself and avoid duplication with the sidebar Navigation.

Markdown for Read the Docs MUST NOT use HTML rendering such as <a> tags as the navigation is unpredictable and may no longer work correctly in Read the Docs. An exception can be made for documentation using an extended character set (e.g. Japanese) which require these tags for headings.

Markdown for Read the Docs may use <h1>...<h6> HTML headers if necessary to suppress entries in the Read the Docs sidebar.


FIWARE Generic Enablers SHOULD be configurable through a config file.

Container images for the FIWARE Generic Enablers SHOULD be configurable through ENV variables. Where this is not possible or desirable, the MUST explain how to mount a volume to set the configuration.

If the FIWARE Generic Enabler can be configured through a config file, a template/example configuration file MUST be present and fully aligned with every version. It MAY be interesting to provide a fully filled in configuration file just to test it.

The config file MUST be seen as part of the documentation (for integrators and deployers). So it is mandatory to document every config param, its available options and operation advices. Redis configuration is an illustrative example.

Software Releases (source code)

Apart from meeting, the general Release Requirements the following guidelines apply.

Each code release SHOULD be properly tagged in your GitHub repository.

Each component SHOULD always show a consistent view in the “Releases” and “Tags” tabs at Examples:



The release notes SHOULD include links for downloading the source code.

The release notes associated to each Release SHOULD include the change log for that release, i.e. the list of changes regarding the previous version, including (if possible) links to the GitHub issues related to each change.

It is not needed to maintain the different branches corresponding to the existing releases once that the corresponding tag for the release is created. Additionally, every time one branch is merged into another, the branch that is merged in becomes stale, therefore it is a good approach deleting those branches to prevent clutting up your repository.

Binary Releases

FIWARE Generic Enablers MUST provide container images according to Docker Guidelines.

Additional Repository Content

Files describing the Licensing and Contribution Policy MUST be included in the repository. Please check the General GE Licensing Requirements. They MUST be consistent with those reflected in the FIWARE Catalogue.

Developer Support

Apart from meeting the general Ecosystem Support and Quality Requirements the following guidelines apply:

Where relevant, Stack Overflow SHOULD be used for thorough technical questions. Educate your users to tag their questions properly in Stack Overflow.

Each FIWARE Generic Enabler MUST be associated to an Stack Overflow tag. Such tag could be specific for a FIWARE Generic Enabler or default to a chapter generic tag, for instance fiware-iot.

Stack Overflow tags SHOULD be of the form fiware-<GE codename>. Example fiware-orion. Creating new tags requires Stack Overflow Karma. You MAY ask someone from the FIWARE community with enough Karma to create tags for your FIWARE Generic Enabler. Otherwise you can use the FIWARE Q&A platform.

  • Exception to the rule: In the case the FIWARE Generic Enabler is associated to an existing tag (e.g. the tag was created before that component joined FIWARE), it could be used instead of the usual fiware-XXXX as an exception, as long as the two following conditions occur:

    • The tag clearly reflect the name of the FIWARE Generic Enabler,
    • The tag is already widely used in Stack Overflow (i.e. more than 30 questions using it).

Anyway, this is a workaround valid only in the case a tag synonym cannot be created due to reputational constraints.

New releases of your components SHOULD be announced through different channels: FIWARE Blog, dedicated Twitter or similar channels, your own Blog, etc.

To build and maintain the FIWARE community, it is essential that the team responsible for each product to openly engage with the wider development community, therefore responding to User Support requests in a timely manner is a MUST.

  • If an external developer has found an issue with existing functionality which cannot be fixed in a timely manner, a known issue MUST be added to the documentation.

  • If an external developer has found a fixable issue with existing functionality an alternative workaround MUST be provided, and the code patched as soon as possible.

  • If an external developer suggests support for a new feature that it is not implemented / not available, an alternative workaround SHOULD be provided where possible.